Sunday, February 17, 2019

When It Feels Like GOD Has Betrayed You

wHat is lovE mISsions
GOD with all your heart
and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

When you accept CHRIST as your SAVIOR. When you try to follow the Bible. When you live your life for others. 

It is when you beg and loved ones die anyway.  It is when GOD sometimes seems mad and distant. It is when other CHRISTians turn their backs on you. 

Feels like a spoon stabs you in the heart.  Feels worse than a knife because you did not expect it. Feels like your faith is taken away in one fell scoop

Like a shock. Like you are dying. Like you are numb.

"GOD, MY GOD. Why have YOU forsaken ME?" GOD'S SON JESUS said this in Matthew 27, verses 1 through 66. GOD, on the cross. 

Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever known lasting loneliness? Have you ever been totally terrified? 

Betrayed by a trusted adult. Betrayed by a spouse. Betrayed by a friend.

You are not alone. You are not what you feel. You are loved, safe, and cared about.

 If you think it is over, remember this is not the end. If you can, keep praying and reading the New Testament.  If you need help, ask a kind pastor's wife or counselor.

I understand. I have been there. I am still here.

Please message, email, text, or call 719-571-0457 if you want to talk or pray. Please call 1-800-273-8255 if you are thinking about suicide. Please know I am praying for you and I love you.

There is still joy in this world.  There has to be a GOOD GOD. There are many people who do care. 

Maybe you have just been cut with the sharp edge of a spoon. Maybe you are like a toddler, screaming in pain. Maybe JESUS is a perfect FATHER, holding you close to HIS HEART.  

Missionaries to the sick, because I am healing, too.

Your friend and sister, Amy and daughters.

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