Sunday, December 1, 2013

The If Gift

wHat is lovE mISsions

"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

If we had not gotten this gift, our lives would never have been the same.  He was a baby, like CHRISTmas in my arms, but he had special needs.  Our six month old Michael could not hold his head up, scoot, sit, roll, or move very much.

If we had not gotten the surprise gift of his baby brother, his life would never have been the same.  He is a five month old, lifting up his head when he sees his big brother who is now seventeen months. Our hopefully normal Jonathan helps Michael understand how to be gentle, and how to love someone who is smaller than him.

If we give the GIFT of JESUS, lives will never be the same.  People will hold CHRISTmas in their hearts every day of the year.  Our mission is to help those who need it.

If you need something, please tell us.  If you can help others, please tell us. Your life will never be the same, 
if you take the GIFT.

Love, Joey, Amy, Mikey, and Jonny Torrans

Missionaries to the Homeless, 
Helpless, and Hopeless

More Ministry Matters:

You can also contact the Just Living Center, 815 East Platte, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903, 719-235-3257 if you need something!

Merry CHRISTmas :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

As Anger

wHat is lovE mISsions

"LOVE GOD with all your heart 
and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

As a young girl, I did not often feel the emotion of anger.  I would avoid conflict, be sad, confused, cry, or get my feelings hurt. When life did not turn out like expected, I was mostly easy going or disappointed.

As a woman, wife and mother, I am surprised by little bursts of anger.  I still avoid conflict, but sometimes when I am tired, overwhelmed, rushed, or frustrated, I get startled by that feeling of madness.  When life does not turn out like I attempted, I realize I have just snapped at my sweet husband or lost patience with my beautiful babies.  

As I immediately regret it, I wonder where did that temper come from?  I am sorry, so why does it happen again?  When will I be able to handle hardships with peace in my heart? 

As a follower of CHRIST, I want to be slow to anger.  I want to get to the root of the problem, instead of feeling like a totally different person.  When I am weak, then HE is strong.

As CHRISTians, let us save our fury for what really matters.  I hate child trafficking, rape, murder, and the sin in my own soul.  When I use minor discrepancies as anger, I miss out on gracefulness, forgiveness and thankfulness.  But when I let a little bit of righteous indignation fuel justice, I can help change the world by finding a way to overcome evil.  And that feels like love.  

Person Prayer:

Please pray for Starla. She is a nineteen year old girl I have tried to help.  Her live in boyfriend raped a fifteen year old girl and is now in jail.  Both of these girls need JESUS.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Joy Boy

wHat is lovE mISsions

"LOVE GOD with all your heart, 
and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

The joy in his face is like a mirror that never stops glowing. My fifteen month old beautiful baby boy Michael.  He is an inspiration to me.  And an example.

The joy in his eyes sparkles like a blue creek on a sunny day.  My own eyes, the same color, tend to resemble a muddy lake on a cloudy day.  He is happy. And I am sad.

The joy in his smile catches me off guard, like a rocket trying to tickle the moon.  My personality is cautiously glad when life is going well.  He is glad all the time.  And I wish I were.

The joy in his laugh is like a hundred yellow balloons appearing in the sky. My heart is worried that this world will be bad for my children. He reaches for his sweet three month old baby brother Jonathan's hand.  And even with special needs and physical therapy, my tiny son makes every moment better for everyone he sees :) 

Wishing you the joy of JESUS, too,

Joey, Amy, Mikey, and Jonny Torrans

Please contact us with your stories of joy and answers to prayer!

More Ministry Matters:

Please pray for Major. 

He is an eighteen year old homeless boy we have been trying to help.  Using drugs, getting drunk, and being violent have gotten him in trouble in the past.  This young man needs the joy that only GOD can give.  

Monday, September 2, 2013


wHat is lovE mISsions 

"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

When I was a child, I got down on my knees to pray.  When I became an adult, I lost some of that faith.  When I think about it, I think I miss that childhood belief. So I just tried it. So, yeah, I got down on my knees. So nervous, I felt.

Nervous about bowing before a Holy GOD.  Nervous about it having been so long.  And nervous about wanting to do it again. You see, I used to pour out my heart to JESUS about everything. You know, I started to wonder why HE let such bad things happen in this world. You too?

Now I find it easier to pray for others. Now I ask GOD to help you, and I mean it.  Now I want HIS Will, and am a little afraid to ask for mine. I have had enough of my prayers go wrong. I have seen what I wanted go up in smoke.  I have felt myself not be good enough to be bold before the one and only GOD.

But I have needs. I am trying to pray about them. I ask you to please do the same:

We need our cars to stay fixed and be safe for our babies to ride in.  Please pray they will not break down again when we are driving to doctor appointments, work, and in snowy weather.

We need money for medical bills, vehicles, and emergencies. Please pray that GOD will provide.

We need our tiny condo to sell so we can have room for our family of four. Please pray the right people will be prepared.

We need our one year old Michael to improve through physical therapy and our two month old Jonathan to grow healthy.  Please pray they will not have any more set backs.

Email me your "kneeds", and I will pray for them. And we will see our FATHER answer. And not because we are on our knees or not, but because HE understands the kneeds of our heart. 

Thank You from Joey, Amy, Mikey and Jonny Torrans.

Missionaries to the needy.

That is all of us.  

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The L Word

wHat is lovE mISsions 

"LOVE GOD with all your heart 
and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

"I am worried about Michael," the pediatrician says. "His tests for the normal childhood diseases, strep throat, chicken pox, bladder infection, and ear infections came back negative.  And there is a problem with his white blood cell count."  Thus begins the possibility of leukemia.

I am worried about Michael.  His big beautiful blue eyes look tired because of high fevers, rashes, lethargy, not eating, not drinking, not sleeping, and just wanting Mama to hold him.  And there seems to be no reason. Thus begins more tests and me watching him like a mother bird.

I am holding my twelve month old baby Michael. His tests have come back. And no cancer has been detected, though the doctors are still monitoring him. Thus begins relief to flow in my mommy heart.

I am thankful to JESUS that Michael is doing a little better.  His blond hair is the sunshine of my life. And the L word leukemia frightened me like no other word ever has.  Thus I cling to the other L word.  Love.  

Joseph, Amy, Michael, and Jonathan Torrans

Helping people who are hurting

Because we all need each other

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Our Story

wHat is lovE mISsions

"Love GOD with all your heart 
and your neighbor as yourself." 

The Torrans Tablet

Baby Michael's Story, age twelve months: 

My mommy found out she was expecting me at the emergency room, where she was being treated for extreme dehydration, nausea, and having lost twenty five pounds!  Her whole pregnancy was IVs, hospital visits, and bed rest, because she could not keep anything down, not even medicine. I surprised everyone by being eight pounds, and Mama had a reaction to the epidural where she could not walk for three weeks.  

When I was six months old, my pediatrician was worried because I had lost weight and was not able to move my neck, balance my head, scoot, crawl, or sit up :(  I have been in physical therapy which I do not like. But I am doing a little better now. Thank you for praying for me. I sure am a happy boy :) 

Baby Jonathan's Story, age four weeks:

My mommy found out she was expecting me at the doctor's office, where she was being treated for melanoma skin cancer! Her emergency surgery for this, and for another tumor under her tongue, made people worry if I would be okay. I surprised everyone by coming one month early and weighing only six pounds, seven ounces. 

When I was born, the doctor realized my umbilical cord was tied in a knot :(  I would have choked myself if I had pulled it. But I am here because of  JESUS, despite jaundice, breathing, circulation, and low weight treatments. Thank you for praying for me. I sure am an adorable boy :) 

Love, Joseph, Amy, Michael and Jonathan Torrans

Missionaries and church planters to the 
homeless, hopeless and helpless

Please contact us if you need help or prayer, 
and tell us your story

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hears Humor

7:00 a.m. - I hear my sweet husband say goodbye to me and our eleven month old son.  He is seeing me at my best.  No makeup, hair in a braid, gigantic eighth month pregnant belly. This is a normal day in my life:

10:00 a.m. -  I hear my OBGYN say to come back in two hours to check my blood pressure, blood sugar, and Baby. When I get home I eat something after twelve hours of fasting and lay down to elevate my legs.  This is supposed to be my boy's first nap time of the day, and of course he did not nap in the car.

1:00 p.m. - I hear my adorable almost one year old talking to himself in his car seat as we again load up. After my second doctor appointment, we head to a physical therapy or evaluation for him.  This has become expected for the easy going boy.

4:00 p.m. - I hear the sound of no washer or dryer running, and it reminds me I forgot to put in laundry. I try to clean our one bedroom condo, get ready to move in a few weeks, do exercises with Michael, and count tiny feet kicks during partial bed rest. This is "sleeping when they sleep."  

7:00 p.m. - I hear my computer turn on and dread seeing all the perfect lives, homes and children on Facebook. But I do not want to miss anything. This is also a source of encouragement to me from my wonderful friends. 

10:00 p.m. - I hear my man get home from his second job, kiss me, and play with our little man who is also excited to see him. I try to talk, but I had surgery two days ago to remove a cyst in my mouth. This has probably been a relief to all the people I normally speak to, especially my family.

1:00 a.m. - I hear the sound of steam-roll snoring and myself getting up to go to the bathroom for the millionth time.  I sometimes hear happenings in a tired, sad, negative way.  This is what happens when I happen to hear the humor: I am happier! Here's Humor :)  

Friday, May 3, 2013

Hurting Hearts

wHat is lovE mISsions 

"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself." 

The Torrans Tablet

"Mama." My ten month old baby cries in pain and reaches out for me.  I can not do anything.  He is in physical therapy at the Children's Hospital to help him move his neck, sit up, balance, scoot, crawl, climb and walk.  It hurts his muscles and scares him.  But I know he needs it.

"FATHER." I cry to GOD, "I can not take any more problems." I am overwhelmed with our struggling child, a surprise Baby who could come in a month, skin cancer, infections, high blood pressure and blood sugar, bronchitis, multiple doctor appointments a day, another car that has broken down, having no money, and a loved one who is dying. It hurts my heart and scares me. Do I need it?

"I love you, Baby Michael." I whisper as the physical therapist finally gives him back to me. My small son buries his head in my shoulder and will not let go for the rest of the day.  "I love you, Amy." GOD whispers to my heart as I finally listen. Do I rest on HIS Shoulder, knowing HE really does care?

You who are reading this are hurting. Your heart is so broken, you can not even reach out for help.  I am praying for you.  Do we need all of these hard things in our lives?  I do not know.  But I know we need HIM. 

Love, Amy Christina Torrans.

I wanted to help the Homeless, Hopeless and Hurting.

GOD said, "You need to know how it feels first."

Thursday, April 11, 2013


wHat is lovE mISsions

"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

"Are you sure you want this?"  The nurse is talking about my Unborn Baby.  I have melanoma skin cancer.  I have a seven month old Baby already. This New Baby is a surprise.  They have to offer to abort the "Fetus." The "sensible" thing to do.

"The Baby?" I ask. "My Baby." I say softly. "Oh, yes, I want this Baby, thank you." 

"Yes." I understand I will have to have surgery on the skin cancer. "Yes." I understand it may have spread.  "Yes." I understand the doctors may advise chemotherapy and radiation. "No." I decide not do these until I have the Baby. "Yes." I understand if it has spread, my life is at risk. "Yes." I understand the Baby might be deformed. "Yes." I choose this Baby's life over my own.

These are not hard answers for me. My husband and I love GOD, each other, and our Babies.  We know everything happens for a reason.  It is hard to think about the worst case scenario. But it is a blessing to know all of our Lives are in the Hands of our CREATOR.

It is now four months later. Our Unborn Baby is healthy. My melanoma skin cancer surgery results came back. They were able to get all the cancer. I will be fine. But if it had not turned out this way, we still would have had our Baby. And we would still be blessed with Life, a beautful, bright- eyed, innocent, intelligent Baby Boy :) 

Joseph, Amy, Michael, and Jonathan Torrans

Missionaries to the Homeless, Helpless, and Hurting

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Unofficial Update

I feel like my life is unofficial, unpredictable, and unflattering. 

I feel like if I look around I might drown. So I look UP. 

Please pray for our Unborn Baby who is seven months along.  I just had to have melanoma skin cancer surgery, so we want him to be healthy.

Please pray for our nine month old Baby Michael who is in physical therapy, so he can scoot, crawl, and use his arms and legs. He is being tested to see what the problem is.

Please pray for my husband who helps in ministry and works two jobs. He is a little stressed.  

Please pray for someone very close to us to who has brain cancer.

Please pray for me, that my biopsy will be curable, my stitches will not get infected, and that my high-because-of-stress blood pressure and blood sugar will come down.

Please let us know how we can pray for you, by commenting or sending me a message.

Is your life up in the air, too?  SOMEONE is here to help us up. 

wHat is lovE mISsions 

Monday, February 11, 2013

And Appreciation

wHat is lovE mISsions 

"LOVE GOD with all your heart 
and your neighbor as your self." 

The Torrans Tablet

And I worry. I worry about my Beautiful Baby Boy because he needs physical therapy.  I worry about my husband who is driving many miles in the snow and ice today.  I worry about my Baby inside me who is small, so they are doing tests.  I worry about my melanoma skin cancer and what will happen in the future.

But what would happen if I would appreciate the little things?  I would notice that my eight month old, who can not sit up, can still smile.  I would notice that my husband, who works two jobs, still calls me beautiful.  I would notice that my unborn Baby, who does not move very much, still makes my heart swell in love.  And I would notice that I, who does not have the best health, am doing what I can and feeling good.

And we appreciate you praying! Because of your prayers, GOD is working. Our Baby with whom I am five months along has a strong heart beat.  I do not have to have surgery until he is born.  So I will try not to worry, and focus on appreciating instead :) 

Praying for you, too.

Joseph, Amy, Michael, and New Baby Torrans

Missionaries to the homeless, hopeless and hurting.

I worry about them, too.

But we have a GOD WHO cares for all of us.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Please Pray


"LOVE GOD with all your heart 
and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

"Please,"  I say,  "GOD, do not let it be cancer."  "Pray,"  HE tells me. I do pray.  But I do have a melanoma skin cancer, and will need to have surgery and treatments. So I am praying that GOD will help me and my family. 

"Please,"  the doctor says, "Come in for your ultra sound."  Before I can start treatment for the skin cancer, I need to have a pregnancy test.  "You are about fourteen weeks pregnant," She tells me.  I have been feeling great, not like last time, so I am surprised. I smile and cry as I see my tiny Baby move on the screen, and his heart beat soothes mine.

"Please," I pray, "GOD, let our new Baby be healthy."  I tell my family about our Gift on CHRISTmas, the day of  Rebirth.  So now, in this New Year, I am telling you.  And asking you.  Please pray? 

Please pray that our Baby will stay strong.  Please pray that GOD will heal me, if it is HIS Will. Please pray for my wonderful husband, who lost his dad when he was young, so sometimes fears the worst. Please pray for other people who are going through hard times, but also times of hope. And please pray that we, and everyone, would know the GOD WHO IS. 

HIS SON, JESUS, GOD HIMSELF, prays for us, too. And HE understands the "please" of all of our hearts. 

Thank you, Friends. May you be blessed.  

Love, Joseph, Amy, and Michael Torrans 

Missionaries to the Homeless, Hopeless, and Hurting

Because we know how it feels.