Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Please Pray


"LOVE GOD with all your heart 
and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

"Please,"  I say,  "GOD, do not let it be cancer."  "Pray,"  HE tells me. I do pray.  But I do have a melanoma skin cancer, and will need to have surgery and treatments. So I am praying that GOD will help me and my family. 

"Please,"  the doctor says, "Come in for your ultra sound."  Before I can start treatment for the skin cancer, I need to have a pregnancy test.  "You are about fourteen weeks pregnant," She tells me.  I have been feeling great, not like last time, so I am surprised. I smile and cry as I see my tiny Baby move on the screen, and his heart beat soothes mine.

"Please," I pray, "GOD, let our new Baby be healthy."  I tell my family about our Gift on CHRISTmas, the day of  Rebirth.  So now, in this New Year, I am telling you.  And asking you.  Please pray? 

Please pray that our Baby will stay strong.  Please pray that GOD will heal me, if it is HIS Will. Please pray for my wonderful husband, who lost his dad when he was young, so sometimes fears the worst. Please pray for other people who are going through hard times, but also times of hope. And please pray that we, and everyone, would know the GOD WHO IS. 

HIS SON, JESUS, GOD HIMSELF, prays for us, too. And HE understands the "please" of all of our hearts. 

Thank you, Friends. May you be blessed.  

Love, Joseph, Amy, and Michael Torrans 

Missionaries to the Homeless, Hopeless, and Hurting

Because we know how it feels.