Wednesday, July 1, 2015

While We Weep

wHat is lovE mISsions 

"LOVE GOD with all your heart
and your neighbor as yourself."

When I was three months pregnant, I had contractions, cramping, and bleeding.  I thought I had miscarried my baby.  But there was still one heartbeat.

When I had an early ultrasound, it looked like we were expecting a girl.  I thought I was having my daughter.  But when I gave birth, my husband said with surprise, "It is a boy!"

When my sweet son was placed on my chest right away, I was relieved he was here. I thought he was beautiful.  But I felt like I had lost his twin sister.

When our little man was a day old, he had a seizure, shaking, fast breathing, slow heart rate, and low oxygen. I had to go where he was to nurse him. But the specialists did not know what was wrong. 

When I see a pink dress, my eyes fill with tears as I miss the angel girl I was sure I was having. I cry when I worry about the angel boy I have.  But he is still getting tests and treatments.

When we weep, we grieve.  We mourn for someone who has died or might die. But GOD is still here, while we are weeping.

While We Weep, GOD Cares

When we feel alone, we feel GOD had left us.  We think HE is far away.  But HE is close, and HE is holding us.

While We Weep, GOD Cries

When we feel sad, we feel GOD is over there with all the happy people.  We bury ourselves in our pain.  But GOD hurts when we hurt, because HE loves us and those we love.

While We Weep, GOD Calls

When we feel empty, we feel numb.  We think our dreams are doomed and our wishes are wilted.  But GOD is whispering to our hearts, "I have a reason." 

When my wonderful son cries, I carry him and kiss him.  The doctors said his symptoms improve when he is with his mama who adores him.  But I still feel scared as I monitor his breaths. 

When you think you can not go on, we are praying for you.  You are loved, valued, and cared about.  Please let us know how we can help, while you go through a season of weeping.

Love, Joseph, Amy, Michael, Jonathan, AnnaClaar Jane, and Aaron Joseph Torrans

Missionaries to the hurting

Because all of us are broken