wHat is lovE mISsions
"LOVE GOD with all your heart,
and your neighbor as yourself."
This new year, I do not want to go forward. I want to go back. Back to sweet tea and sweetie, yes sir and yes ma'm, and being married sixty years. Since I can not rewind time, I will pause it. And think about why I want to be old.
Old People Do Not Mind Being Called Old
They say it themselves. "I'm ninety if I'm a day." With a twinkle in their eye. Not like me trying to convince my four year old nephew that I am still young.
Old People Do Not Care What People Think
They know who they are and they like it. People who are closing in on one hundred years do not waste time trying to make everybody happy. They realize life is about being content. Not like me worrying if I have accidentally offended someone.
Old People Care About Young People
They look fondly on children, teenagers, and young'uns like me. They give advice because they have been there. Not like me forgetting to enjoy the moments my babies are babies.
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