Sunday, October 6, 2013

Joy Boy

wHat is lovE mISsions

"LOVE GOD with all your heart, 
and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

The joy in his face is like a mirror that never stops glowing. My fifteen month old beautiful baby boy Michael.  He is an inspiration to me.  And an example.

The joy in his eyes sparkles like a blue creek on a sunny day.  My own eyes, the same color, tend to resemble a muddy lake on a cloudy day.  He is happy. And I am sad.

The joy in his smile catches me off guard, like a rocket trying to tickle the moon.  My personality is cautiously glad when life is going well.  He is glad all the time.  And I wish I were.

The joy in his laugh is like a hundred yellow balloons appearing in the sky. My heart is worried that this world will be bad for my children. He reaches for his sweet three month old baby brother Jonathan's hand.  And even with special needs and physical therapy, my tiny son makes every moment better for everyone he sees :) 

Wishing you the joy of JESUS, too,

Joey, Amy, Mikey, and Jonny Torrans

Please contact us with your stories of joy and answers to prayer!

More Ministry Matters:

Please pray for Major. 

He is an eighteen year old homeless boy we have been trying to help.  Using drugs, getting drunk, and being violent have gotten him in trouble in the past.  This young man needs the joy that only GOD can give.  

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