Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thank True


"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

I thank JESUS for HIS true blessings in my life.  I thank JESUS for HIS trusted answers to prayer for my loved ones.  I thank JESUS for HIS timing in answering those prayers so I knew it was HIM.

I feel like I can not tell HIM how I truly feel when I am not thankful.  I feel like I can not trust HIM when life goes horribly wrong.  I feel like HE took some of my prayers and put them on a clothes line but never looks at them.  

I am terrified for my family and friends on the East Coast who have survived a hurricane that went horribly wrong. I am tortured in my heart when people go through terrible things.  I feel my temper rising when people do terrible things to innocent children. 

I think that sometimes there is something Better than a Hallelujah   I think that sometimes all I can do is pray and help ministries like Samaritan's Purse  And I think that the true, tender, tired heart of JESUS must be with HIS children who suffer.  

HE wants you to know HE is crying with you. HE knows you hurt too much to say thank you, until Heaven.  HE knows you, and thanks HIS FATHER that you are HIS.  

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bread, Bright and Blue

wHat is lovE mISsions 

"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

GOD gives us more than our daily bread! GOD gives us all things bright and beautiful.  GOD gives, and HE also takes away. 

When my baby boy's beautiful big blue eyes fill with laughter, I feel awfully glad, like birds are singing in my soul.  When his eyes fill with tears, I feel almost guilty, as if I have let my little sparrow down.  When I think of anything happening to him, I feel as if the sky is falling :(  

So how do we accept the LORD'S blessings without worrying about losing them?  How do we love our family and friends without worrying about what could happen to them?  How do we see the sunrise without knowing that the night will come?

I guess we don't.  I guess that is what makes life sweet, that who we love is special. I guess I will always carry my tiny son in my heart, and it will hurt when he does. And I will pray that our FATHER protects all of you, because I know HE is on earth, as HE is in Heaven :)  

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