wHat is lovE mISsions
"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."
The Torrans Tablet
"Mama." My ten month old baby cries in pain and reaches out for me. I can not do anything. He is in physical therapy at the Children's Hospital to help him move his neck, sit up, balance, scoot, crawl, climb and walk. It hurts his muscles and scares him. But I know he needs it.
"FATHER." I cry to GOD, "I can not take any more problems." I am overwhelmed with our struggling child, a surprise Baby who could come in a month, skin cancer, infections, high blood pressure and blood sugar, bronchitis, multiple doctor appointments a day, another car that has broken down, having no money, and a loved one who is dying. It hurts my heart and scares me. Do I need it?
"I love you, Baby Michael." I whisper as the physical therapist finally gives him back to me. My small son buries his head in my shoulder and will not let go for the rest of the day. "I love you, Amy." GOD whispers to my heart as I finally listen. Do I rest on HIS Shoulder, knowing HE really does care?
You who are reading this are hurting. Your heart is so broken, you can not even reach out for help. I am praying for you. Do we need all of these hard things in our lives? I do not know. But I know we need HIM.
Love, Amy Christina Torrans.
I wanted to help the Homeless, Hopeless and Hurting.
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