Thursday, April 11, 2013


wHat is lovE mISsions

"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

"Are you sure you want this?"  The nurse is talking about my Unborn Baby.  I have melanoma skin cancer.  I have a seven month old Baby already. This New Baby is a surprise.  They have to offer to abort the "Fetus." The "sensible" thing to do.

"The Baby?" I ask. "My Baby." I say softly. "Oh, yes, I want this Baby, thank you." 

"Yes." I understand I will have to have surgery on the skin cancer. "Yes." I understand it may have spread.  "Yes." I understand the doctors may advise chemotherapy and radiation. "No." I decide not do these until I have the Baby. "Yes." I understand if it has spread, my life is at risk. "Yes." I understand the Baby might be deformed. "Yes." I choose this Baby's life over my own.

These are not hard answers for me. My husband and I love GOD, each other, and our Babies.  We know everything happens for a reason.  It is hard to think about the worst case scenario. But it is a blessing to know all of our Lives are in the Hands of our CREATOR.

It is now four months later. Our Unborn Baby is healthy. My melanoma skin cancer surgery results came back. They were able to get all the cancer. I will be fine. But if it had not turned out this way, we still would have had our Baby. And we would still be blessed with Life, a beautful, bright- eyed, innocent, intelligent Baby Boy :) 

Joseph, Amy, Michael, and Jonathan Torrans

Missionaries to the Homeless, Helpless, and Hurting

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