wHat is lovE mISsions
"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your
neighbor as yourself."
The Torrans Tablet
To My Daughters, who I miscarried early in pregnancy: I miss you and I love you! I wish you were here. But I know you are in Heaven. I will see you someday.
To My Girls - my future daughters, adopted daughters, nieces, friends' daughters, sisters, moms, aunts, friends, little girls, young ladies, women, and You: I am proud of you and I love you! I wish you knew how much you mean to me. Believe in yourself and the GOD who made you. I will be here for you always.
My heart wants you to know:
1. You are more than enough. No, you are not just "enough". You are more. Psalm 139 says you are "fearfully and wonderfully made." Wow. You are amazing.
2. GOD is more than enough. No, GOD is not just "there." HE is HERE. Ephesians 3 says, GOD can "do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think." Wow. HE is YOUR GOD.
3. We are more than enough. No, we are not alone. We are together. Galations 6 says, "Bear one another's burdens." Wow. We are sisters in CHRIST.
My heart wants you to know the HEART of JESUS.
Girls, you are daughters of the KING. You are Princesses. Queens. Warriors. Heroes. Leaders.
Girls, you are beautiful. You have a soul like no one else. Personality. Kindness. Pretty eyes. Gorgeous smile.
Please enjoy life. It is a gift. Treasure your people and your pets. Laugh, cry, learn, grow. Live in HIS LOVE.
Please remember I am here for you. As a friend, sister, prayer partner, coffee mate, lunch buddy, mom, mentor, counselor, and listener. Message me any time. I am thankful for you, Girl.
Yours forever,
Missionaries to women,
Amy, AnnaClaar, Christina, Rosalyn, Victoria, and Claaralise Annette
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