Monday, April 18, 2016

I Need A Superhero

wHat is lovE mISsions

"LOVE GOD with all your heart
    and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

I am a mess. Man, I need chocolate. And a person to make everything better. Someone super.

In January, my life changed forever. Our little man, age six months, had a fever of 105°.  And he was rushed to the ICU. So after two weeks, he was transported to the Children's Hospital.

I am told he has Chronic Granulomatous Disease, a rare, life threatening disease. Oh, man. And tumors in his liver, kidneys, and head. Super sad.

Do you ever feel like your life is messy? Grab some chocolate ice cream. Let me be a person who helps a little. Say these things to yourself when you are super stressed:

1. I Have A Superhero Friend

One or more people to step into your mess. Meet your needs. Make a few things better. I am super thankful for my friends and family.

2. I Am A Superhero

Your mess will someday be your message. You need to know that you are amazing. You're a stronger person than you think. You are someone I would like to know.

3.  I Have A Superhero GOD

HE cleans up messes. HIS SON JESUS became a man and died for you. HE will make everything better, one day. In HIS arms, I know that SOMEONE loves me.

Please feel free to share your super problems. I believe in super prayer.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderfully written! Always keeping you and your family in our prayers <3
