Monday, June 2, 2014

Children - Why They Matter So Much

wHat is lovE mISsions 

"LOVE GOD with all your heart
and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

"Why did JESUS walk on water?" I ask my class of children, who bob up and down like ducks on a pond. "Because HE did not want to swim." A four year old girl volunteers, her pony tail bobbing like the duck who gets everyone to follow her. 

Children make your head swim and your heart soar.  They cry you a river and dry your tears with their hands. But they are more than cute, cuddly, and cupcakes.  They are eternity.

1. Children are created by GOD.

From the moment a child is conceived, he or she is fashioned, founded and favored.  They are perfect, whether or not they look like it to everyone. When they are born, they simply move from a smaller home to a larger one, a great, big, wonderful womb and world. 

2. Children are called by GOD.

From the moment HE gives them their soul in their mama's tummy, HE has a purpose for them. They are going to do something amazing in their life, whether or not it is realized by everyone.  When they wiggle as babies, walk as toddlers, run as kids and race as teenagers, they make people smile, laugh, change and grow.

Children matter because their FATHER knows them and their FATHER needs them. Let us adults who used to be those children be kids again. Let us help our own and heal others who have no one of their own. In the game of Duck, Duck, Goose, we are it. Time to go tag some special children. 

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