Friday, November 1, 2013

As Anger

wHat is lovE mISsions

"LOVE GOD with all your heart 
and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

As a young girl, I did not often feel the emotion of anger.  I would avoid conflict, be sad, confused, cry, or get my feelings hurt. When life did not turn out like expected, I was mostly easy going or disappointed.

As a woman, wife and mother, I am surprised by little bursts of anger.  I still avoid conflict, but sometimes when I am tired, overwhelmed, rushed, or frustrated, I get startled by that feeling of madness.  When life does not turn out like I attempted, I realize I have just snapped at my sweet husband or lost patience with my beautiful babies.  

As I immediately regret it, I wonder where did that temper come from?  I am sorry, so why does it happen again?  When will I be able to handle hardships with peace in my heart? 

As a follower of CHRIST, I want to be slow to anger.  I want to get to the root of the problem, instead of feeling like a totally different person.  When I am weak, then HE is strong.

As CHRISTians, let us save our fury for what really matters.  I hate child trafficking, rape, murder, and the sin in my own soul.  When I use minor discrepancies as anger, I miss out on gracefulness, forgiveness and thankfulness.  But when I let a little bit of righteous indignation fuel justice, I can help change the world by finding a way to overcome evil.  And that feels like love.  

Person Prayer:

Please pray for Starla. She is a nineteen year old girl I have tried to help.  Her live in boyfriend raped a fifteen year old girl and is now in jail.  Both of these girls need JESUS.

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