Monday, February 11, 2013

And Appreciation

wHat is lovE mISsions 

"LOVE GOD with all your heart 
and your neighbor as your self." 

The Torrans Tablet

And I worry. I worry about my Beautiful Baby Boy because he needs physical therapy.  I worry about my husband who is driving many miles in the snow and ice today.  I worry about my Baby inside me who is small, so they are doing tests.  I worry about my melanoma skin cancer and what will happen in the future.

But what would happen if I would appreciate the little things?  I would notice that my eight month old, who can not sit up, can still smile.  I would notice that my husband, who works two jobs, still calls me beautiful.  I would notice that my unborn Baby, who does not move very much, still makes my heart swell in love.  And I would notice that I, who does not have the best health, am doing what I can and feeling good.

And we appreciate you praying! Because of your prayers, GOD is working. Our Baby with whom I am five months along has a strong heart beat.  I do not have to have surgery until he is born.  So I will try not to worry, and focus on appreciating instead :) 

Praying for you, too.

Joseph, Amy, Michael, and New Baby Torrans

Missionaries to the homeless, hopeless and hurting.

I worry about them, too.

But we have a GOD WHO cares for all of us.

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