Friday, June 22, 2012



"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet 

Dear Family, Friends, and Wonderful People,

We love our SAVIOR so much!  We love how HE loves us.  We love to share with others how HE loves them.

But life is hard.  Life is hard for us a lot of times.  Life is hard for many of you.

So we want to help people going through hard times.  We want to show them GOD'S love.  We want to pray and see HIM work.

Please pray for us.  Please pray for the people you know who need it.  Please let us know how we can pray for and help you.

Springs Rescue Mission and Compassion International are two of the ministries we are helping. is where you can email for more information.  We are praying that GOD provides resources needed.

Thank you for praying.  Thank you for your support.  Thank you for helping us help others.

To show our thanks, we are giving away a copy or ebook of a book I have written.

What is love?  HE is love.  But we are not Home yet:)

Because of JESUS, 

Joseph, Amy, and baby Michael Torrans

Missionaries to the homeless, hopeless and hurting

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