Friday, November 23, 2012

Caring CHRISTmas


" LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself." 

The Torrans Tablet

Dear Wonderful Person Who Is Reading This,

We care for you so much!  Merry CHRISTmas. We also care for the world in need. That is why we have dedicated our lives to serving JESUS, and giving to the homeless, helping the hopeless, and counseling the hurting.  You can help, too.

Please print the following, circle what you feel led to do, and send to Joseph and Amy Torrans, 6385 Village Lane, Colorado Springs, CO, 80918


Yes, I would like you to pray for____________________________________

Yes, I will pray for you.

Yes,  I will donate to you, ( check written to Amy Claar Torrans, cash, or gift card is enclosed ), and receive a Book or E Book you have written. 

Yes, I will donate to Springs Rescue Mission or Compassion International and receive a Tax Deductible Receipt.

Yes, please send updates to my email address________________________________ 


Thank you for being a part.  May our FATHER bless you :)  Love, Joseph, Amy, and Baby Michael Torrans

Missionaries to the Homeless, Hopeless and Hurting

Because we are not HOME yet  

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thank True


"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

I thank JESUS for HIS true blessings in my life.  I thank JESUS for HIS trusted answers to prayer for my loved ones.  I thank JESUS for HIS timing in answering those prayers so I knew it was HIM.

I feel like I can not tell HIM how I truly feel when I am not thankful.  I feel like I can not trust HIM when life goes horribly wrong.  I feel like HE took some of my prayers and put them on a clothes line but never looks at them.  

I am terrified for my family and friends on the East Coast who have survived a hurricane that went horribly wrong. I am tortured in my heart when people go through terrible things.  I feel my temper rising when people do terrible things to innocent children. 

I think that sometimes there is something Better than a Hallelujah   I think that sometimes all I can do is pray and help ministries like Samaritan's Purse  And I think that the true, tender, tired heart of JESUS must be with HIS children who suffer.  

HE wants you to know HE is crying with you. HE knows you hurt too much to say thank you, until Heaven.  HE knows you, and thanks HIS FATHER that you are HIS.  

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bread, Bright and Blue

wHat is lovE mISsions 

"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

GOD gives us more than our daily bread! GOD gives us all things bright and beautiful.  GOD gives, and HE also takes away. 

When my baby boy's beautiful big blue eyes fill with laughter, I feel awfully glad, like birds are singing in my soul.  When his eyes fill with tears, I feel almost guilty, as if I have let my little sparrow down.  When I think of anything happening to him, I feel as if the sky is falling :(  

So how do we accept the LORD'S blessings without worrying about losing them?  How do we love our family and friends without worrying about what could happen to them?  How do we see the sunrise without knowing that the night will come?

I guess we don't.  I guess that is what makes life sweet, that who we love is special. I guess I will always carry my tiny son in my heart, and it will hurt when he does. And I will pray that our FATHER protects all of you, because I know HE is on earth, as HE is in Heaven :)  

Please leave a prayer request, comment, or ask a question.  

Monday, September 3, 2012

Her Happiness


"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

I love being a woman.  I love being a mother. I love that right now is a season of happiness in my life.

Not all times of living are happy.  Seasons sometimes are sad, stressful, and scary. Sad situations do make me appreciate days and hopefully months that are relatively drama free.

In Proverbs 31, we see a woman who apparently is experiencing a happy, healthy, peaceful, perfect season and life.  In my mind, I think, how does she do everything so well?  In my heart, I feel like I will never measure up.

But one thing I notice is that she is joyful. I notice she is smiling, energetic, trustworthy, kind, wise and blessed. But I also get the idea that she is old enough to have lived and conquered and struggled and survived.

Not every woman in the Bible is called "The Virtuous Woman".  Each woman had her own story.  You, wonderful woman who is reading this, have a journey written by your GOD WHO loves you.

I love being a daughter of the KING.  I try to love what I am learning in the hopeful times, but also in the hard.  And I pray to be a woman about whom people someday can say "there is something real about her happiness."  SOMEONE real. 

Amy Torrans, wife of Joe, mother of Michael.

Attempting to help homeless, hopeless and hurting 

Anyway I can.

Because I, also, am not Home yet. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Best But Better

wHat is lovE mISsions 

"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

We say we marry our best friend!  But what else could we call our spouse?  Is there a better name for our husband or wife?

We say we marry for better or for worse.  But I am sure my worse side could be better. I am sure my better side is worse than before we were married.

We say they accept us for who we are. I am thankful my husband sees the stressed me and loves me the same way he loves the sweet me.  I am thankful I can honestly tell my husband how I am feeling.

We say till death do us part, and we mean it. No matter what, divorce is not an option. There is no other name that would fit. Except for my SAVIOR, my husband is my best friend.  But it is just getting better :)    

 Joseph, Amy, and baby Michael Torrans

Missionaries to the homeless, hopeless and hurting

We are not yet Home.  

For more information, please email

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Living and Life


"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

Living can be "the most wonderful thing in the world!"  But life can also make you not want to live.
On what will we choose to focus?

Living is good for me right this second. Life came into my life in the form of a brand new baby boy. What a wonderful gift from JESUS.

But living was not so good for the past ten months.  Life treated me to Hyperemesis Gravidarum, a disease in which my pregnant body rejected everything - food, water and medications. What a nightmare of ER visits,  constant nausea,  IVs, medical bills, bed rest, and fear for my unborn baby.

So living sometimes makes us praise GOD and sometimes makes us never want to pray again. Life sometimes hits people who already are down and makes them never want to get up again. What is fair about some of us having more than we need of many things, and some people having nothing?

Living has to be about more than me. Life can not revolve around what is going well and what is going wrong in my world. What I need to do is focus on the ONE WHO makes life worth living, and what I can do to somehow brighten the lives of others :) 

Ways To Help: Springs Rescue Mission, Compassion International,

Joseph, Amy, and Baby Michael Randall Torrans,

Missionaries to the homeless, hopeless and hurting

Friday, June 22, 2012



"LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet 

Dear Family, Friends, and Wonderful People,

We love our SAVIOR so much!  We love how HE loves us.  We love to share with others how HE loves them.

But life is hard.  Life is hard for us a lot of times.  Life is hard for many of you.

So we want to help people going through hard times.  We want to show them GOD'S love.  We want to pray and see HIM work.

Please pray for us.  Please pray for the people you know who need it.  Please let us know how we can pray for and help you.

Springs Rescue Mission and Compassion International are two of the ministries we are helping. is where you can email for more information.  We are praying that GOD provides resources needed.

Thank you for praying.  Thank you for your support.  Thank you for helping us help others.

To show our thanks, we are giving away a copy or ebook of a book I have written.

What is love?  HE is love.  But we are not Home yet:)

Because of JESUS, 

Joseph, Amy, and baby Michael Torrans

Missionaries to the homeless, hopeless and hurting

Friday, June 1, 2012

Who and How

Think of someone whom you love with all your heart.  Think of how much he or she means to you.  Think of them and cherish the feeling.

But sometimes when I think of people I love, I feel worried.  Sometimes when I think of the many people in my life, I pray.  Sometimes I wish life were easier, so that nothing bad would ever happen.

So I do the only thing we can do when we love someone.  I give them to the GOD WHO loves them, and trust that how HE loves them is even more than I do. I know that must be a lot. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Babies and Blessings

I feel blessed to be having a baby boy in a few weeks:) But I also feel scared. That is how blessings are, heavenly but hard.

I am praying that GOD will help our little son, my husband, and me.  But I also pray for other moms who are doing the difficult job of labor and delivery. That is how life is; everyone is going through something. 

I want those of you reading this to be encouraged.  But I know some of you are hurting, and I understand the feeling.  That is why we need our FATHER, WHO is here when we are so happy we could cry, and when we are crying out for HIM.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Faith and Family

We need faith.  We need to have it, hold on to it, and hear it.  We need family for the same reasons.

But when we or our family struggles, often so does our faith.  When we see people we love suffer, we wonder how our FATHER could let this happen, even to HIS own SON. When we fight for faith, we fight with the blood, sweat and tears of the family of GOD.

The faith of our fathers is a strong legacy of brothers and sisters in CHRIST who battle darkness and somehow find the light. The family we live with is a picture of the communion we will share in Heaven someday.  And the SAVIOR we lean on is the hope that even when faith dies, it can come back to life.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Gateways and Goodbyes

When we have to leave someone or something, we say goodbye. I am a sentimental person, so I miss people and places.  How I treasure the friendships, memories, laughter and love.

When there is a time for everything, we experience those seasons of our life.  I know that when one part in over, another part is on the way.  How grateful I am for the gateways that take us from growing to gaining.

When we go through changes, may we remember the ONE WHO never changes.  GOD loves us as much as HE always will, and HE is the ONE who leads us.  May you be blessed, whether you are going or staying; and may your farewells never be forever :) 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What Is Love Missions

  Thank you for reading this!  I feel like GOD wants me to encourage you. In love, in life, in prayer, in purpose. Because you have encouraged me.  

  May HE bless you today. Please know HE is in control. That is so easy to forget.

  If you have a prayer request, thought, or something you would like to share, please feel free. I will pray for you. And our FATHER will be holding you in HIS hands :)