wHat is lovE mISsions
"LOVE GOD with all your heart,
and your neighbor as yourself."
"My mother is pretty, my father is handsome, and girls think my brother is hot. So why did GOD make me chubby and plain?"
Marnie asks, her eyes sorrowful with tears. We all have felt unworthy compared to others. But our CREATOR made each of us beautiful inside and out, in different, wonderful ways. What kind of person did HE make you?
Question 1. Do you like to be in charge of people?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
Question 2. Do you like to dance in the rain?
A. No
B. Yes!
C. If other people are doing it
Question 3. Do you like to take care of people?
A. No
B. Sometimes
C. Yes
Question 4. Would you rather:
A. Speak in front of a large group
B. Climb a mountain
C. Give someone a hug
Question 5. Would you rather:
A. Work as a manger
B. Work outside
C. Work with people who need you
Mostly As: You are a person who leads! Your personality is organized and confident. GOD made you to change the world :)
Mostly Bs: You are a person who lives! Your personality is carefree and fun. GOD made you to appreciate the world :)
Mostly Cs: You are a person who loves! Your personality is compassionate and helpful. GOD made you to heal the world :)
When Marnie realized she had gifts and talents unique to her alone, she was able to also see her physical beauty that others saw. What about you? ;)