wHat is lovE mISsions
"LOVE GOD with all your heart,
and your neighbor as yourself."
The Torrans Tablet
My sweet eight month old baby has a depressed head. So does his mama. Jonathan's is caused by developmental delays. Mine is caused by life. In the last four years, our family has had CHRISTians betray us, health leave us, finances avoid us,
and GOD try us :(
You probably have had this happen, too.
Living is hard. I have talked to a woman who has a background in Biblical Counseling. She said these events caused shock, paranoia, fear, panic, anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and discouragement. If you think you might be depressed, please see someone who can help you. The following are just a few things that are helping me:
1. Knowing Who I Am Not
I am not perfect, not even close, and do not want to pretend to be. I am not always happy, hopeful, or helpful. I do not know all the answers or even some of them. I try and I fail, and I am not able to get back up. I am not, and that is okay.
2. Knowing Who I Am
I am in awe of the ONE WHO CALLS HIMSELF THE I AM. I am nothing compared with HIM. But I am created in HIS IMAGE. So I am beautiful. I am a believer in HIS GRACE, though I do not often feel like it, which is why it is called grace.
3. Knowing WHO HE IS
HE knows I struggle with faith, and works, and mercy. HE knows I question why people, especially children, have to suffer. HE knows I hurt for the hurt of this world, and HE hurts more. HE knows I am sinful, sad, scared, scarred and simple. And HE loves me anyway.