wHat is lovE mISsions
"Love GOD with all your heart
and your neighbor as yourself."
and your neighbor as yourself."
The Torrans Tablet
Baby Michael's Story, age twelve months:
My mommy found out she was expecting me at the emergency room, where she was being treated for extreme dehydration, nausea, and having lost twenty five pounds! Her whole pregnancy was IVs, hospital visits, and bed rest, because she could not keep anything down, not even medicine. I surprised everyone by being eight pounds, and Mama had a reaction to the epidural where she could not walk for three weeks.
When I was six months old, my pediatrician was worried because I had lost weight and was not able to move my neck, balance my head, scoot, crawl, or sit up :( I have been in physical therapy which I do not like. But I am doing a little better now. Thank you for praying for me. I sure am a happy boy :)
Baby Jonathan's Story, age four weeks:
My mommy found out she was expecting me at the doctor's office, where she was being treated for melanoma skin cancer! Her emergency surgery for this, and for another tumor under her tongue, made people worry if I would be okay. I surprised everyone by coming one month early and weighing only six pounds, seven ounces.
When I was born, the doctor realized my umbilical cord was tied in a knot :( I would have choked myself if I had pulled it. But I am here because of JESUS, despite jaundice, breathing, circulation, and low weight treatments. Thank you for praying for me. I sure am an adorable boy :)
Love, Joseph, Amy, Michael and Jonathan Torrans
Missionaries and church planters to the
homeless, hopeless and helpless
Please contact us if you need help or prayer,
and tell us your story