Friday, November 23, 2012

Caring CHRISTmas


" LOVE GOD with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself." 

The Torrans Tablet

Dear Wonderful Person Who Is Reading This,

We care for you so much!  Merry CHRISTmas. We also care for the world in need. That is why we have dedicated our lives to serving JESUS, and giving to the homeless, helping the hopeless, and counseling the hurting.  You can help, too.

Please print the following, circle what you feel led to do, and send to Joseph and Amy Torrans, 6385 Village Lane, Colorado Springs, CO, 80918


Yes, I would like you to pray for____________________________________

Yes, I will pray for you.

Yes,  I will donate to you, ( check written to Amy Claar Torrans, cash, or gift card is enclosed ), and receive a Book or E Book you have written. 

Yes, I will donate to Springs Rescue Mission or Compassion International and receive a Tax Deductible Receipt.

Yes, please send updates to my email address________________________________ 


Thank you for being a part.  May our FATHER bless you :)  Love, Joseph, Amy, and Baby Michael Torrans

Missionaries to the Homeless, Hopeless and Hurting

Because we are not HOME yet