Friday, August 1, 2014


wHat is lovE mISsions

"LOVE GOD with all your heart
and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

"Honey, I don't feel like you are respecting me right now."  My husband is kind, easygoing, and does not expect much from me.  So when he said this, I felt guilty.  But I also felt confused.  How was I not respecting him?

So I asked him that. He said sometimes when I do not listen or when I tell him what needs to be done.  In my mind, I had heard, and I had simply reminded him. But I resolved to do better, so I tried to come up with a list for myself:

R- Realize my husband and I are different ;)  Try to understand things from his perspective.

E - Empathize.  Life is hard for guys, work is hard for guys, money is hard for guys, temptation is hard for guys.

S - Serve him. Yes, I already do a lot for him and our babies, but maybe one extra small thing a day to make his day.

P - Pray that GOD will help him with the life is hard for guys stuff.  Pray even more that GOD will help me try be the best wife I can be.

E - Encourage.  Save all of his good actions in my memory and thank him often.

C- Care deeply. Even when he is in the wrong, love him for who he is, who he is trying to be, and for how he once won my heart.

T - Tease. Instead of taking life so seriously all of the time, flirt, make him laugh a little. 

It might be fun :)