Saturday, February 1, 2014

Yes, You - How You Saved A Life

wHat is lovE mISsions

"LOVE GOD with all your heart
and your neighbor as yourself."

The Torrans Tablet

You might not think you did anything. Yes, you did. You helped someone, several someones, who could not help themselves. This is how:

You Prayed

You asked the LORD to help us. We were helpless.  The only thing we knew: Someone is praying.

You Cared

You liked our prayer requests on Facebook to let us know you saw our hearts.  We reached out to family and friends. This is what we realized: People are here for us.

You Encouraged 

You commented with kind thoughts. We needed to know it would get better. You assured us: It will.

Thank you. The smallest things make the biggest difference.  You helped us remember that GOD has already saved us. And HE will hold on for dear life.

 Love, Joseph, Amy, Michael and Jonathan Torrans

Missionaries to the Homeless, Hurting, and Heartbroken

Like us.

Note: Joseph and Amy have had health problems. Their one year old and seven month old baby boys have developmental delays. This family has struggled over the last four years. As has everyone. Please keep praying for them. They are praying for you. 

More Ministry Matters:

Please pray for Evelyn.  She is a model whose husband left her for someone even younger and thinner. Now she is suicidal and needs JESUS.